Midlife crisis has a way of smashing bliss into a millon broken pieces.
A broken chocolate candy bar is my bliss example. Notice there are big pices and litte ones, crumbs and irregular shapes. There is space between them both great and short distances too. Chocolate tastes good to most people some people wouldn't touch it. Some people can't eat it, could cause diabetic shock to the system. Some people eat bad things when they feel bad, some can eat just a few pieces at a time and then do something else.Find your bliss again. You want to feel satisfied about yourself, your home, your life, your job, your loved ones, your religion or spirituality or independent views and your interests/hobbies. Midlife tends to bury that under a pile of dirt for a while. Your only interpretation of the picture at this point is the fact that the bar is broken and you may feel broken.
1. Focus on yourself first. This is your self review time so you can think about the issues, analyze what is causing you to feel broken down. What are you missing?
2. Pick one thing you feel is the most important to you right this minute. This will vary for each person. When you engage yourself in this one thing (can be a person) you will focus on it alone, the deficient areas and start looking for the solutions to fill that void in a satisfying, healthier way. This is your foundation step to build on. Think about the parts that make you happy or what made you feel good about it in the passed. Now you need to add new reasons and ways this thing (or person) can make you happy today and into the future. If you need to add something else into it, such as sharing it with others that like the same thing. Make it into a craft or an event or just write about it.
3. Now pick something bigger to work on. Preferably the surroundings at home or your job (if unhappy for any reason) If a place is affecting you on a very deep and intimate level on a daily basis you get sucked in by the negativity. For people that are Visual learners, visualize the place in your mind to be exactly the way you really want it to be. Do that as often as you can til you start to see the changes happening. The idea is to dissolve the negative feelings, affects and surroundings. For other types of learners, just begin dropping all negative thoughts and statements and restate them in a positive form. STOP every negative. Others will change or the environment will change on their own. I love Joel Osteen's quote, "be a rose among the weeds..." This is your goal.
4. Pick a new hobby or interest to enjoy. One of the things that happens to us is we lose interest in the things we used to enjoy doing. Now is the time to find something new. You can look into your childhood, something your friend does that you admire or read through some articles or online searches. Thirst for knowledge? Great time to go to college. Online is great for someone like me, but to get yourself out around others if you have the time for traditional classes, then do that. This can lead to a new line of work if you found yourself unable to continue with a current employer.
5. Earning your bliss - the reward. Feeling internal satisfaction on an ongoing basis means you worked hard to get your bliss back again. The other "pieces" should start to fall into place again too. You can now shower the ones close to you with your love and new found self. The reality is sometimes we change so much, we end our current relationships and start new ones. Do this only if you feel strongly you are unwilling to remain with your spouse or partner. Usually when you truly run through these steps, even if you pushed them away during the onset of the midlife crisis; you feel better about them again now. Spending that time looking at the why you love them is what will tell you if you can or cannot.
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