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As I experience my own midlife crisis, I am blogging/talking myself through it and hope it may help others in a similar situation. It is a way for me to put life itself down on paper too and that works great sometimes just seeing the details in writing and then maybe obtaining a solution I may not have considered previously.
Mid Life Bridge (Brenda Green) offers resources as I find them online. They are not paid advertisements, just my choice of resources that you may find useful, helpful or insightful. Sometimes it is just confirmation that we are not alone during a crisis. I like to add information often, so check back or email me if you are looking for something; but having a hard time finding the right information on the Internet.
Alexis Wolfer wrote "Love Yourself Like you love your best friend!" plus you can sign up for "the daily love" sent via email. We all could use a loving pick me up when feeling a little down or stuck.
Cathy Meyer is an Guide and answers the question: What is a Midlife Crisis?
Are you at a point that you need to save your marriage? Get help from Dr. Nancy Wasson, co author of "Keep Your Marriage"
Midlife Metamorphosis, you have to dig a little through the adds on left and right sides with info in the middle. They do offer a book called "Lessons for Living" by Dr. Daniel H Johnston solutions to life problems - the link to the book info is at the bottom of the page on this link
Midlife-Men is an excellent source of real life stories. It can be highly beneficial to see a similar story, know someone else is experiencing it too and find some solutions, help or just the insight alone can help you through a difficult time. I also like the name of the book offered on this site (probably because I ride a motorcycle myself) A Harley or My Wife? by Noel McNaughton If you find yourself asking many questions about lack of interest in anything, this is a book that could be the tool. $18.99 or PDF version is $14.95.
(picture placed is pending approval from the author.)
In case Men thought a book about what women want is non-existent... It Exists!. Articles like "Is your woman going to dump you" or "How to Stop a Nagging Wife" or a big one, "Couples and Their Money". Of course if you moved passed your last relationship, then you may like "How to Write A Great Internet Profile" and use it for a dating site.
Personal Development for Men is a little on the dry side as far as being an interesting site, but I like the "personal development plan" Maybe a plan can lead you into a better direction when you focus on what you want out of life for yourself.
Are you trying to save a marriage? The Hero's Spouse is a blog with honest content, stories, a forum, and personal coaching.