I wish for a couple of days, Martha Stewart would come to my house and put everything in its place! How amazing it would be to know where everything is. No searching or digging through deep piles or stacked boxes of paperwork or craft stuff. I am worn out from the building chaos of stuff, the clothing I think I still want to wear, but truly have not. I would like to be able to walk through the entire garage without stepping over something or opening both doors. I would like to part with some of the memorable items too.
I think it is time to fully and completely grab hold of the internal chaos and organize it all to enjoy a more peaceful, uncluttered lifestyle.
There are many articles, books, ebooks and free information on the Internet for all of us. You just have to be willing to do it. For me, that is following my upward climb from a midlife crisis fall.
(picture found on herecomesthestork.com/blog/page/4/ but I am not sure where Heather found it)
Some Organizational Happy Article Links
Article/blog "50 Ways to Make your home more organized, more attractive, and more efficient by Dustin Wax.
Maybe some printable items like a calendar, lined paper, or household notebook. Cynthia Ewer may have a form to help you. http://organizedhome.com/printable
I like this site, it has a link to each article covering different parts of your home like the garage, adding storage to a room or "helping a pack rat get organized". I think Paul Holstein's website has a whole lot to offer all of us in the unorganized category. http://www.lifeorganizers.com/cm_articles/88_the_organized_home.html My favorite out of that pack rat article, "#4.RECOGNIZE CLUTTER. As a rule, if you don't use it or enjoy it, its' nothing more than clutter. If you don't know what it is, it's clutter. If it's too nice to use, it's clutter. Toss it or give it to someone who will use it and appreciate it. Maria Garcia, I love your article and if I list too much here, let me know. I give full credit for your useful information. One thing I never thought of til I just now saw it, "#9. PICTURE IT! Take a picture of the possession, keep it in a scrapbook. This is perfect, I am trying this one out this weekend. I hope it means I can get rid of a much larger number of items now.
I think it is time to fully and completely grab hold of the internal chaos and organize it all to enjoy a more peaceful, uncluttered lifestyle.
There are many articles, books, ebooks and free information on the Internet for all of us. You just have to be willing to do it. For me, that is following my upward climb from a midlife crisis fall.
(picture found on herecomesthestork.com/blog/page/4/ but I am not sure where Heather found it)
Some Organizational Happy Article Links
Article/blog "50 Ways to Make your home more organized, more attractive, and more efficient by Dustin Wax.
Maybe some printable items like a calendar, lined paper, or household notebook. Cynthia Ewer may have a form to help you. http://organizedhome.com/printable
I like this site, it has a link to each article covering different parts of your home like the garage, adding storage to a room or "helping a pack rat get organized". I think Paul Holstein's website has a whole lot to offer all of us in the unorganized category. http://www.lifeorganizers.com/cm_articles/88_the_organized_home.html My favorite out of that pack rat article, "#4.RECOGNIZE CLUTTER. As a rule, if you don't use it or enjoy it, its' nothing more than clutter. If you don't know what it is, it's clutter. If it's too nice to use, it's clutter. Toss it or give it to someone who will use it and appreciate it. Maria Garcia, I love your article and if I list too much here, let me know. I give full credit for your useful information. One thing I never thought of til I just now saw it, "#9. PICTURE IT! Take a picture of the possession, keep it in a scrapbook. This is perfect, I am trying this one out this weekend. I hope it means I can get rid of a much larger number of items now.
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